Friday, February 14, 2014

Facebook Blaster Pro: Automatic Friend Adder

Facebook Blaster Pro by Numan Shah

Facebook is now a days has become the largest online community site, where people finds a lot of friends and fans. Everyone on facebook wants to get alots of friends on facebook. But its difficult to add much friends manually. So we are giving you a tool named "Facebook Blaster Pro". With this tool you can get as many friend as much you want to with just a single click. You can download "Facebook Blaster Pro" from our site. Just follow the simple steps below, then you will be able to use "Facebook Blaster Pro" with ease.
What you have to do is just to download the tool, sign it with your facebook account, and start finding and adding friends just at one click.
Facebook Blaster Pro
Facebook Blaster Pro

  • First of all download the "Facebook Blaster Pro" from the link given below.
When you run the "Facebook Blaster Pro" then you would be seeing a square box asking for your username and password and click on Login. You can see it automatically writes all the information you give in the screen on right side. Now after you log on, then go to Gather ID tab and write any name in the search bar on the right screen and press Enter. Once you see search Results Just click on Gather ID from all Pages, it will start gathering IDs from all pages untill you stop, then import the IDs to Friend Request and Click on Send Friend Request. It will Automatically send request to all the IDs you gather.
Hope you will enjoy this Tool. Do share our Post.
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